Are you a wordsmith, a storyteller, an editor or an aspiring wordsmith & editor? Would you like to unlock your creative potential and improve your creative writing and editing skills? 

If you’ve found your way here, you’re on the path to unlocking your creative brilliance. In today’s digital age, it’s not just about degrees; it’s about your digital finesse and your ability to craft captivating narratives.
Communication is the currency of life, whether spoken or written. Those who master it thrive, while others merely survive. 
In today’s world, effective and creative communication is essential; without it, one may encounter significant challenges. Countless individuals have missed out on incredible opportunities due to their inability to express themselves creatively, while others have let minor communication errors cost them great life opportunities.
You’ve likely heard the cliché that “everyone’s a writer,” but don’t let that fool you. There’s a world of difference between claiming to be one and truly being a wordsmith.
Creative writing and editing skills aren’t just lucrative; they’re essential in this digital era. With these skills, you can elevate your communication, boost your confidence, and even turn your passion into a profitable pursuit. 
When you harness the power of creative writing, your writing will undergo a remarkable transformation. With creative writing, you can write a book that will become a bestseller, launch compelling courses, secure great deals and much more. But you can only do all these if you have mastered the art of creative writing. 
What about editing? Your content, whether it’s a book, a blog post or a social media article, is only ready for the world when it’s been meticulously edited to perfection.
So instead of paying an editor to edit every of your written article or post, why can’t you become one? Do you even know you can also change your financial capacity by being a professional editor? 

That’s where we come in! Welcome to the TEBEBA School of Writing, a hub where we birth, refine and deploy exceptional writers globally. 

Over the past year, we’ve transformed 150+ students into influential writers, grammar gurus, and content geniuses. 

Here are testimonies of some of our amazing students....

We recently hosted Africa’s largest writing challenge with over 1000 participants, where the winner went away with a complete book publishing deal and other amazing prizes including prize. 
Now, through our exclusive workshop, we’re offering you the opportunity to master creative writing and editing in just three intensive weeks. We’ll guide you through videos and texts, making your learning experience an unforgettable one. Plus, you’ll gain access to materials worth N1,000,000, Naira for a lifetime.
Upon completion, you’ll receive a globally recognized certificate, opening doors to creative writing and editing roles worldwide. You’ll also be able to join our exclusive community for ongoing support and growth in your niche.
The cherry on top? Our top graduate will land a high-paying job as a creative writer and editor.
Meet your lead facilitator, Emmanuel Olatunji, the exceptional being behind TEBEBA. A successful author and influential writer, he’s dedicated to training you passionately for three weeks. Together with him and other experts in the field, you are sure to have a fantastic experience during the workshop. 

What will you be learning in this exclusive workshop?

You’ll undergo 7 comprehensive and significant courses that will move you from where you are to where you desire to be as a creative writer or an editor. 
Here are the 7 courses:
  1. Creative Writing Mastery Course: Through this course, you will learn all the crucial things you need to know about creative writing. This course will open you up to what you will not easily see on the internet about creative writing. Through this course, you can rest assured that you’d be a creative writing guru. 
  2. Mastering the Art of Storytelling Course: If you want to be a master storyteller, this is just the course for you. Through this course, you will learn how to use captivating stories to capture your audience and also achieve the results you want. You will never get over the amazing experience you will have in this course. 
  3. Creative Writing Monetization Course: What’s the importance of learning creative writing without knowing how to make money from it? This course will show you how to become a money-making creative writer. There are creative writers and there are money-making creative writers, this is the course that will show you where the money is in creative writing. You definitely don’t want to miss this! 
  4. Editing Mastery Course: If you want to become a professional editor or you want to master editing skills for your own effectiveness, this is the course for you. This course will show you the practical know-how of professional editing. What many people don’t know about editing, you will learn them through this course. 
  5. Proofreading Mastery Course: Do you know that there’s difference between editing and proofreading? This course will show you the difference. You will learn how to effectively proofread a manuscript and other documents through this course. 
  6. Becoming an Effective & Professional Editor Course: It’s one thing to be an editor and it another thing entirely to be an effective editor, this course will make you become an effective editor and proofreader. If you want to go pro in editing, this course will show you how. 
  7. Mastering The Business of Editing: This is where you will learn the business of these skills. What’s the use of having these skills if you can’t launch a profitable business with them? Through this course, you will learn pricing, sourcing for clients and so much more. 
Now, with all these courses, I’m sure you already know that you are in for a wonderful experience. Rest assured, your creative writing and editing game will never remain the same! 

So, how much do you have to pay to access this workshop? I'm sure you are already asking. 😊

Well, as for the cost, it’s not a million Naira as you might have feared. It’s not even a half a million Naira, and you won’t even have to pay 100,000 Naira to access this course. Sounds unbelievable, right? 
I’m sure paying 50,000 Naira to enroll for this course and obtain all the benefits and values will be a steal for you, right? 
But here’s the kicker – we won’t even charge you 50,000 Naira. But with one-time payment of 35,000 Naira only, you can secure a spot to join this global workshop. Don’t procrastinate; act now.
For a single one-time payment of 35,000, you can make a life-changing investment in yourself. Enrolling in this course and executing all that will be taught will help you improve your skills, start your own business, attract new opportunities and even position you as an authority in the field of creative writing and editing. 
This is what we’ve done over the years, and we’ve helped several other people to achieve. So take this massive opportunity and register now.
Now, if you are wondering if you have to travel down anywhere to access this workshop, you don’t have to worry. This training strictly virtual, breaking down location barriers. 
With your smartphone or laptop, you can register for this workshop and have access to it from any part of the world. Another interesting thing is that it’s self-paced learning, meaning that you can attend classes at your convenience and do your assignment. You will also have an accountability group where you can share your learnings everyday. 
I tell you, this is a workshop like no other. Now, ask yourself: would you like to miss this opportunity because of 35k? I bet you don’t. So, go ahead and register now. 
Click the registration link today and seize this golden opportunity. Remember, if you snooze, you might lose out.
Don’t miss your chance to become a master of words. Register for our 3-week intensive creative writing and editing workshop today, guided by the exceptional being himself.
Just before you go, here are all you stand to get through this school:
  • 3 weeks intensive training 
  • Certificate of participation
  • Video & texts courses. 
  • Lifetime access to materials worth 700,000 Naira.
  • Access to exclusive editing & creative writing community.
  • Employment opportunity for the best student.
  • Accountability group throughout the workshop. 
  • Three weeks intensive mentorship with the lead facilitator. 
  • Lifetime access to course content. 
  • And so much more. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Everybody who is a writer or desires to be a writer, author or editor.

No, you don’t need to be an existing member to register.

No, this training is a workshop launched by TEBEBA School of Writing. To be an alumni of TEBEBA School of Writing, you need to register for the school. Visit here to register: www.tebebaschoolofwriting.com

A valid certificate will be given to you at the end of the training.

No, the training will be held online.

To participate, you need your strong determination to learn, relearn and unlearn, your smartphone with internet connectivity and your training fee.

Take advantage of this massive opportunity.